P`s Blog


Managing pythons on MacOS

September 29, 2020 • ☕️ 2 min read

This post is more of a personal notes. Recently, I had to run a script on my machine which until then was only run by one person in our office. The problem started with us having different openssl versions. I had LibreSSL vs the other person had OpenSSL.

This started creating one problem after the other. For example the script passed in pbkdf2 argument into the openssl cipher and this wasn’t supported in LibreSSLLink

I updated openssl to the correct version to support the above mentioned pbkdf2 cipher; the next error was the following Error: No available formula with the name "python@2"

I tried to reinstall python@2 like this.

This fixed the openssl error, but the awscli was broken and got the following error ERROR:root:code for hash md5 was not found.

As of Feb. 10, 2020, python@2 was removed from homebrew.

I followed the steps mentioned here, but awscli was still broken.

I updated the awscli to version 2.

Then I tried to add awscli to the PATH as mentioned here

awscli and openssl were both fixed, but now I had to upgrade all awscli commands to the version 2.

For example: aws ecr get-login-password link to connect to docker

It took me one and a half days to finally have the script running on my machine too. I hope this post helps someone.