P`s Blog


Procrastination or Elimination?

December 3, 2020 • ☕️ 3 min read

This is a draft post and will be completed soon. The thoughts on this post are my raw brain dump. Read all completed posts here.

Not procrastinating the important

कल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब कर

This is a popular Hindi verse written by Kabir Das. It means the following -

English version of Kabir ke Dohe

If an email can be answered right away, then I prefer to reply instantly. If a slack message can be attended instantly, I do it so. It helps me take off the mental load about too many pending tasks for the day. Offcourse like I wrote earlier, priorities are important and have decided not to reply to interview applicants right away when the sprint was in a crucial phase. This instance was not about procrastination but rather realising what not to do for that time period.

being productive by being lazy

Sometimes I have productive weekends, sometimes lazy. Why are the lazy weekends not considered productive? It is just a thing to convince my brain. What matters in the end is really if I was happy or not. If my body wants to sleep the whole day, then why not? Why is it called lazy? If I like a particular Netflix episode and want to binge watch it, then why not? The only priority to keep in mind is not to stress the eyes or mind.

I also apply the same principle at work. Not every day is a sunny day. Sometimes I don’t feel like working, but as long as I admit it and use to do something else, I am fine with it. Not acknowledging this fact and rather sitting and staring at the monitor for mircales to happen and solve a problem will not serve the purpose. If you are my employer or colleague reading this, please don’t take me wrong. I do accept that I have this feeling, but I instead use to watch or read something interesting or even crack upon a blog idea.

It’s a matter of time, and within an hour I would be refreshed enough to get back to work.

This year has been fairly well for me 💪 ✌️. I have been promoted at Curalie as Head of Frontend Engineering and plus I now successfully balance my time with two jobs. My secondary (part-time) job is being a Developer coach with Raise.

People who know me personally do know that I am known to be doing multiple things at the same time. Over time I have come to realise that this is a skill which only few possess. Recently I was suprised when I discovered that I could code while also listening and replying in between meetings.

In this post, I will mainly focus on my primary job!

write before you’re an expert on a subject; write to become an expert on a subject; share the best of what you’re learning.

character, connection, and competence.

using privilege!

  • accept mistakes in public - accountability
  • appreciate others - pull others up
  • improve offboarding, not just onboarding

when only one female

  • don’t say “ladies first”

building communities within tech team

  • biweekly knowledge sharing
  • study accountability groups
  • friday project hack usergroups

website illustrations

  • resources for beautifying websites

women bloggers

  • showcase upcoming women bloggers

time management